
Ultimate science kit
Ultimate science kit

In fact, the older ones, which started merely as “helpers,” ended up vying for turns to complete the various steps along with their younger brothers.A "package" is made up of two or more items sold as a set, often for a reduced price. My sons, from 8 to 14, loved these experiments. Scientific Explorer recommends this activity kit for children aged 4 and up with adult supervision. (An exception is the red cabbage juice powder, which is in a sealable plastic bag.) I used clothespins to seal the pouches to prevent spills and retain the ingredient for use in the other experiments. My only complaint is that the white ingredient pouches aren't resealable. Easy-to-follow instructions are frustration-free and make the experiments accessible for older kids to do without adult help. The pipette was a huge hit and by far the most coveted item for my boys. The inclusion of official-looking science equipment like beakers, little scoopers, and a pipette add to the kit's allure. Some projects also require a few other items you’ll likely have on hand, such as a little flour, masking tape, food coloring, spoons, bowls, and paper towels. The only items you’ll need to provide for most experiments are a surface to work on (such as a cutting board or plate) and water. The kit also comes with paper, cotton swabs, test tubes and caps, plastic cups, a (much coveted) pipette, stir sticks, small and medium plastic scoops, and the science guide with step-by-step instructions. The kit’s ingredients are red cabbage juice powder, citric acid, baking soda, color tablets, cross-linked polyacrylamide crystals, vegetable oil, and cornstarch. The 20-piece kit includes the supplies and instructions you’ll need to conduct 11 unique science experiments. Additionally, they get to see how the same basic ingredients will elicit different reactions when put together in unique ways. More specifically, kids will unwittingly be exposed to a bevy of scientific concepts and learn the basics of simple chemical reactions, creating cool visual effects in this experiment. My son was clambering for more science and calling learning “super fun.” If that’s not a winning endorsement about this toy’s educational value, I don’t know what is.

ultimate science kit

He said he was sorry he’d resisted doing the experiments and that they were “actually super fun,” and he hoped we could do more. My young son loved this STEM kit so much that he apologized to me for initially thinking it would be boring. They were literally saying, “Wow,” as liquids suddenly changed colors, frothed and bubbled, erupted (yes, as in a volcano), turned into crystals, or became “magic ooze.” Each wanted to be the next one to measure, scoop, pour, or stir. Soon enough, my other sons, age 10 and 12, were gathered around the table. As soon as the first beaker came out of the box, he was hooked. It turns out that my younger son's initial assessment of this “ learning toy” was all wrong. His older brother, a 14-year-old, cajoled him into giving it a try with the promise of doing it with him (and then said he would play Fortnight with him after they were done). “If they say ‘mind-blowing,” it probably isn’t,” he concluded. “Boring,” was his assessment after looking at the box. When I first told my 8-year-old that we would play with the Scientific Explorer My First Mind Blowing Science Kit, he was less than enthused. Read on to find out if it really blows our minds. In this review, we test out the Scientific Explorer My First Mind Blowing Science Kit with my youngest. Offering home do-it-yourself science toys to my kids appeals to me, especially since hands-on science has been drastically reduced in their schools. It was an experience that rattled me but likely would intrigue my five curious kids, ranging in age from 8 to16. When I think of science experiments, I remember my high school science classroom, where a frog lay on my desk awaiting dissection.


Keep reading for our full product review. We purchased the Scientific Explorer My First Mind Blowing Science Kit so our writer could put it to the test.

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  • Ultimate science kit